
SPF 50. Bubblegum flavor.

The Silver Screen, Sun Cream and Sarcasm Blog.   Written by Special K Your daily dose of Alphabetti spaghetti   I bet you’re wondering what the Silver screen, sun cream and sarcasm have in common. It me! The life of a Red headed, sun burnt, Theatre and acting enthusiastic teenager. And this is my mind vomit soup freshly served to you in digital form. In this day and age, having opinions can be hard. One person says this, another says that. Well here it’s just me and you. All opinions are valid here as long as they are understandable and not offensive. Join me on a series of topics each week, starting with the silver screen, sun cream and sarcasm, battle with the internet’s interpretation of those topics and share whatever’s on your mind. Order Up! On the menu for today: Being a teenager, The Silver screen + acting, being a red head.   Smells like teen spirit The Internet  - ‘Being a teenager is much harder than being an adult. Teenagers are constantly under an immen