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The Silver Screen, Sun Cream and Sarcasm Blog. 

Written by Special K

Your daily dose of Alphabetti spaghetti


I bet you’re wondering what the Silver screen, sun cream and sarcasm have in common. It me! The life of a Red headed, sun burnt, Theatre and acting enthusiastic teenager. And this is my mind vomit soup freshly served to you in digital form. In this day and age, having opinions can be hard. One person says this, another says that. Well here it’s just me and you. All opinions are valid here as long as they are understandable and not offensive. Join me on a series of topics each week, starting with the silver screen, sun cream and sarcasm, battle with the internet’s interpretation of those topics and share whatever’s on your mind.

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On the menu for today:

Being a teenager, The Silver screen + acting, being a red head.


Smells like teen spirit

The Internet 
- ‘Being a teenager is much harder than being an adult. Teenagers are constantly under an immense amount of stress. Their bodies are changing physically and mentally and peer pressure is amongst them. Many do not get enough sleep because of everything going on in their lives.’

My Opinion- ‘I agree. It’s hard. It's the awkward time in your life, where everything’s happening all at once. Thoughts and opinions, changes. Your body, Changes. People expect us to act like adults, with a bunch of responsibilities but we’re children so we’re not supposed to act like the adults because we’re too immature. WE’RE TEENS! I know it isn’t all lollipops and rainbows but there’s no need for parents to scare us with the life ahead of us and how we need to prepare NOW otherwise we’re gunna end up in McDonalds constantly. ‘But this is the Highlight of your life! Live the young teenage, carefree life before it slips away from you!’ Well how am I supposed to do that when all I’m doing is worrying about what I’m going to do with my life at night and wondering what I’m supposed to do with myself in the day. Everybody says, get a job before it’s too late. What about loving that young teenage, carefree life? How am I supposed to know what I want to do and how to get there when I have such little time to prepare and so much pressure on my shoulders to know what to do right that second. Ah. The wonderful life that smells like teen spirit and axe body spray.

Act 1, Scene 1

The internet- ‘A silver screen, also known as a silver lenticular screen, is a type of projection screen that was popular in the early years of the motion picture industry and passed into popular usage as a metonym for the cinema industry.’ ‘Acting is an activity in which a story is told by means of its enactment by an actor or actress who adopts a character—in theatre, television, film, radio, or any other medium that makes use of the mimetic mode.’

My opinion- Yup. I love acting. I really enjoy it! I love portraying a character that I’m not. I do it with theater and sometimes record myself acting to music on my phone. It almost a way of escape. If I can’t scream at someone in real life, I can portray a character and shout at another actor in a scene. I don’t know if I want to end up on the silver screen. I mean, that is way of knowing you’ve basically succeeded in life. But I don’t want to end up super famous or whatever. Constant eyes looking at you, not only when you’re up on stage (the only time when you want people to look at you), but your personal life as well. I don’t like that. I like more short films that I make with my friends, for fun. And only sharing them with close family members and best friends.

The Ginger-Ninja’s

The internet- ‘Red hair is the most popular hair colour in the world, and whether you're natural or 'by choice', many redheads are called 'ginger' and/or 'redhead'. ... “Gingers” are generally considered to be inferior to their more melanin-rich brethren, and thus deservingly discriminated against. Gingers are thought to have no souls.

My opinion- Honestly, it is a privilege to be a redhead. And I do in fact have a soul. We don’t go grey, only 2% of the population has red hair, and we can produce our own vitamin D apparently!  I love my hair colour but it does cause some things that aren’t too great. I burn! I can’t step a second outside in the sun without burning even just a little bit. I BURN THROUGH SUNCREAM. It’s also known, (I don’t know whether this is a scientific fact or not) that we tend to bleed more than the average person. I got my ears pierced and they bled. I scratch off a scar on my leg. Blood everywhere. Don’t even talk about periods. Gushing waterfalls. Not even pills help with that. According to the internet, we are more likely to not use pain medication. Well, yes and no. I do have a higher pain tolerance but that could be from a multitude of different things than being a redhead. But I do have pain meds often enough to say that that statement is incorrect. At least for me. ‘Redheads are more likely to be left handed.’ Nope. A righty over here. Does that mean I’m an even rarer redhead?! I’m a redhead, I have blue eyes, my hair colour doesn’t come from my parents and I’m right handed. Wow. I’m even cooler than I thought I was. AND NO IM NOT HOT-HEADED!!


So basically, being a red haired teenager is a lot harder than being a normal one. Acting is an escape from that but when thinking about your future is it the right path to go down? Especially with the anxieties and worries that follow you and your parents rambling on about how you’re going to end up flipping burgers? Comment down below of you’ve had any existential thoughts on any of these topics and any other thoughts you have on them. (Don’t be scared to share your opinions!) And if you’re a red head, please do comment any tips to get rid of 2nd degree burns.

Thanks for reading! This one’s on the house :)  


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